How to become a member…

  • Provisional Pledge

    Provisional pledge is a person who is not yet eligible to submit an application for membership but wishes to learn more about the club, participate in club activities and meet club members. They must meet the following requirements:

    1. They must attend three club functions, all occurring three to five months, prior to requesting provisional pledge status.  

    2. They must be sponsored by one (1) active member of the Club who is in “good standing.”  

    3. The provisional pledge process will extend for a period of not less than six months, after which the sponsor can petition the Club for a pledge invitation.  

    4. A simple majority vote from club members is needed to determine if the provisional pledge is eligible to submit an application for membership and become a pledge. 

  • Pledge

    A prospective pledge has received a positive vote from the club membership following the provisional process and meet the following requirements:

    1. They must attend six club functions, all occurring three to nine months, prior to being presented for full pledge status  

    2. One of the club functions must occur at least three months prior to becoming a pledge.  

    3. They must be sponsored by two (2) active members of the club, both of whom must be in “good standing.”   

    4. They must complete specified introductions to all current club members 

    5. They must review and gain an understanding of club constitution and by-laws

    6. The pledge period is for a period of at least three (3) months.

    7. They must be present for the final membership vote.

    8. Voting on membership is by two-thirds (2/3) majority.  

    9. The vote will be conducted at the appropriate regularly scheduled meeting and done by secret ballot.

  • Associate Member

    To become an associate member of the club, a person must meet the following requirements:

    1. They must be a member in good standing of another colors wearing (back-patch) club.

    2. If an associate ceases to be a member in good standing of another back-patch club, their associate membership in the Highwaymen will also be terminated.

    3. They must be invited by two (2) active members to become an associate member.  These two sponsors will serve at the associate’s “big brothers” within the club, and will ensure that the associate is informed of club events, and other associate member privileges and obligations.

    4. They must support the aims and purposes of the club.

    5. They must be approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the active members.

    6. They must purchase and wear the smaller club patch on their club vest.

    7. They must pay $25 upon approval and $20 per year thereafter to renew their associate membership.

    8. They must contribute in an active manner to fulfill the aims and purposes of the club at least once each year in addition to paying dues.

    9. They must supply their address and contact information to the concierge of the club, and keep the club updated of any changes pertaining to their membership, change of address, etc.

    10. They must attend the meeting in which they are requesting associate membership unless they reside more than 100 miles from Washington, DC.