Bears, Bikers, and Mayhem (BBM), Mid-Atlantic Leather (MAL), International Mr. Leather (IML), Cleveland Leather Annual Weekend (CLAW), and Folsom Street Festival — just to name a few. Club members each have a travel fund so that they can travel around the country and represent our club at various leather functions.
January 2022. Bobby and David Spivey (MAL in Washington, DC)

January 2022. Oscar Bear and Bobby (MAL)

January 2022. Oscar Bear and Bobby (MAL)

January 2022. Bobby and Gilbert (MAL)

January 2022. Bobby and DJ Warren at Distrkt C dance (MAL)

January 2022. Bobby, Champ Robinson (and friend), and Scott DeMarco at Distrkt C dance (MAL)
January 2022. Ray Diesel and Bobby at MAL leather market

May 2022. Bobby working at Rubio Leather's booth at the IML leather market

May 2022. Rob and Rikk York about to gogo dance for BRUT party (IML)

May 2022. Rob and Alex Tikas about to gogo dance at Touché (IML)

May 2022. Rob and Hunter finishing a night of gogo dancing for Furball party (IML)